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  1. Treatment of gaps.People who have cleaning experience know that the gap is the place where the most dirt is collected, and bacteria are more likely to accumulate in the gap, so pay special attention to it during maintenance.
  2. Prevention: the main raw materials of tile gap are generally putty and white cement, which are easy to stick to the top with dirt. After daily cleaning, brush a waterproof agent at the gap with a brush, which can play the role of moisture-proof and mould proof, or use a candle to prevent it.
  3. Treatment: stains and bacteria in the gap can be coated with decontamination paste.
  4. Cleaning of surfaces.The cleaning of the tile surface should be done frequently! Usually sweep, drag when to control the strength, do not force too hard to cause long-term tile wear.
  5. Daily:daily cleaning can be selected to wash detergent, soap, mixed with a little ammonia and turpentine oil for cleaning.
  6. Stain treatment:for stubborn stains, generally cleaning agent with acid-base properties can be effectively removed, but acid-base components may cause corrosion to tile, so it is better to use a cleaner with neutral acid-base value. In addition, when encountering special stains, we should learn to deal with them in time according to the different characteristics of the stains.
  7. Repair of wear.The ceramic tile will inevitably be uneven for a long time. The repair of tile wear can be started from the following points:
  8. Prevention: wax polishing bricks regularly, which can effectively prevent wear. The wax time interval is 2-3 months, which can extend the life of tiles. Before waxing, thoroughly clean the stain, evenly smear it, and wait for it to dry for 8 hours.
  9. Slight scratch: toothpaste can be applied to the scratch and then wiped with dry cloth.
  10. Small wear on the edge or center of tiles: the falling parts can be pasted with white emulsion paint.